
This repository is a SVG images resource based on SVG icons JQuery Mobile 1.4.5 and extended with SVG icons from Wiki Commons. The icons are primary collected for menus in webbased application or for icons in buttons.

Usage of Icons4Menu - WebApps

Icons4Menu are generated for the Wikiversity Learning Resource about AppLSAC. * hamburger_menu_app Icons in Hamburger Menus like hamburger_menu_app * jsoneditor_app Icons in JSON Editor WebApp in buttons - see jsoneditor_app

Download of Icons with a Script

The icons can be downloaded with a script: * wget_icons.sh * The download of icons for your WebApp (resp. AppLSAC) can be started from the shell command line with

   sh ./wget_icons.sh

Update the wget_icons.sh Script

Any time new icons are added to the repository icons4menu the script wget_icons.sh is updated as well, because the new icons are added to the list of wget download commands in the script. There is an easy way to update the wget_icons.sh script to the latest version by downloading the script update_wget_icons.sh. If you want to use the update script, navigate to the folder in which you want to have the icons4menu folder img/ and then download the script with:

  wget https://niebert.github.io/icons4menu/update_wget_icons.sh

Please check the content of the script before executing, so that you are sure that the script does what you expect the script to (i.e. updating the script wget_icons.sh). Then check the content of wget_icons.sh. Performs the script the expected down or do you want to reduce the number of downloaded icons before executing the script wget_icons.sh. If you are sure that the script download all the icons you need, perform the download operation by calling:

  sh ./wget_icons.sh

JSON file json4icons.json and json4icons.js

The JSON file json4icons.json contains a list of all icons with * name: filename, * path: the path to the icon, * license: the license information for the icon, * raw: available only for SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) images. raw contains the raw string content was added to the JSON. This was added for transparent encoding of the SVG and those developers that prefer to use the raw string format in XML for the image can use that. In a browser you can convert
* src: is the base64 encoded data of the image as Data URL that can used in images in the DOM. The source us either the XML source text of the SVG image or the binary data as base64 encoded data of the image.

The file json4icons.js is a library that populates a hash object vDataJSON defined with var vDataJSON = {}; in the main HTML file that embeds the icons4menu. * used is boolean that can be set by an application to reduce the number of icons in the JSON data to the used icons. Set all used icons to true and remove all the unused icons from the JSON to reduce the size of the JSON especially for WebApps (see also AppLSAC on Wikiversity ).

Example Icon Record in json4icons.js

    "name": "arrow-r-black.svg",
    "path": "img/icons-svg",
    "used": false,
    "src": "....",
    "license": "CC0",
    "group": "arrow",
    "raw": "<?xml version=\"1.0\"...",
    "wikicommons": "https://jquerymobile.com/download/"

The content in src and raw are shortend so that the record fits into this README page.

JSON File Icons4Menu

The repository contains also a JSON file with all icons of the repository. The JSON file json4icons.json can be used to identify the used icons with NodeJS and delete the unused icons from your img/ folder of your WebApp to save disk space and reduce the size of your WebApp.

Even if you remove icons from your WebApp in the folder img/ you should keep the license file LICENSE_Jquery_Mobile.txt, README.md and README_Icons4Menu.html in that repository for licensing information about the icons.

Preview All Icons4Menu

The listed icons below do not contain the JQuery Mobile 1.4.5 Icons. To preview all icons for navigation menus see

Added Icons from WikiCommons

The following icons are selected from the following SVG-Icons in Wiki Commons. For FontAwesome Icon survey see FontAwesome 4.7.0 for finding the appropriate icon file name.

Load, Save, Print, Cancel, Trash, Settings

Icon File Folder Source File Licence Group
action-black.png img/icons-png JQ-action-black.png CC0 main
action-white.png img/icons-png JQ-action-white.png CC0 main
grid-black.png img/icons-png JQ-grid-black.png CC0 main
grid-white.png img/icons-png JQ-grid-white.png CC0 main
home-black.png img/icons-png JQ-home-black.png CC0 main
home-white.png img/icons-png JQ-home-white.png CC0 main
info-black.png img/icons-png JQ-info-black.png CC0 main
info-white.png img/icons-png JQ-info-white.png CC0 main
shop-black.png img/icons-png JQ-shop-black.png CC0 main
shop-white.png img/icons-png JQ-shop-white.png CC0 main
action-black.svg img/icons-svg JQ-action-black.svg CC0 main
action-white.svg img/icons-svg JQ-action-white.svg CC0 main
action.svg img/icons-svg JQ-action.svg CC0 main
fa-folder-open-black.svg img/icons-svg Folder_open_alt_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 main
fa-folder-open-white.svg img/icons-svg Folder_open_alt_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 main
fa-folder-open.svg img/icons-svg Folder_open_alt_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 main
fa-hamburger-icon-black.svg img/icons-svg Reorder_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 main
fa-hamburger-icon-white.svg img/icons-svg Reorder_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 main
fa-hamburger-icon.svg img/icons-svg Reorder_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 main
fa-print-black.svg img/icons-svg Print_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 main
fa-print-white.svg img/icons-svg Print_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 main
fa-print.svg img/icons-svg Print_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 main
fa-settings-black.svg img/icons-svg Cog_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 main
fa-settings-white.svg img/icons-svg Cog_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 main
fa-settings.svg img/icons-svg Cog_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 main
fa-trash-black.svg img/icons-svg Trash_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 main
fa-trash-white.svg img/icons-svg Trash_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 main
fa-trash.svg img/icons-svg Trash_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 main
grid-black.svg img/icons-svg JQ-grid-black.svg CC0 main
grid-white.svg img/icons-svg JQ-grid-white.svg CC0 main
home-black.svg img/icons-svg JQ-home-black.svg CC0 main
home-white.svg img/icons-svg JQ-home-white.svg CC0 main
info-black.svg img/icons-svg JQ-info-black.svg CC0 main
info-white.svg img/icons-svg JQ-info-white.svg CC0 main
shop-black.svg img/icons-svg JQ-shop-black.svg CC0 main
shop-white.svg img/icons-svg JQ-shop-white.svg CC0 main

Action and Processes

Icon File Folder Source File Licence Group
alert-black.png img/icons-png JQ-alert-black.png CC0 action
alert-white.png img/icons-png JQ-alert-white.png CC0 action
forbidden-black.png img/icons-png JQ-forbidden-black.png CC0 action
forbidden-white.png img/icons-png JQ-forbidden-white.png CC0 action
minus-black.png img/icons-png JQ-minus-black.png CC0 action
minus-white.png img/icons-png JQ-minus-white.png CC0 action
plus-black.png img/icons-png JQ-plus-black.png CC0 action
plus-white.png img/icons-png JQ-plus-white.png CC0 action
refresh-black.png img/icons-png JQ-refresh-black.png CC0 action
refresh-white.png img/icons-png JQ-refresh-white.png CC0 action
star-black.png img/icons-png JQ-star-black.png CC0 action
star-white.png img/icons-png JQ-star-white.png CC0 action
tag-black.png img/icons-png JQ-tag-black.png CC0 action
tag-white.png img/icons-png JQ-tag-white.png CC0 action
alert-black.svg img/icons-svg JQ-alert-black.svg CC0 action
alert-white.svg img/icons-svg JQ-alert-white.svg CC0 action
fa-cancel-black.svg img/icons-svg Remove_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 action
fa-cancel-red.svg img/icons-svg Remove_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 action
fa-cancel-white.svg img/icons-svg Remove_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 action
fa-cancel.svg img/icons-svg Remove_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 action
fa-spinner-black.svg img/icons-svg Spinner_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 action
fa-spinner-white.svg img/icons-svg Spinner_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 action
fa-spinner.svg img/icons-svg Spinner_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 action
fa-undo-black.svg img/icons-svg Undo_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 action
fa-undo-white.svg img/icons-svg Undo_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 action
fa-undo.svg img/icons-svg Undo_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 action
forbidden-black.svg img/icons-svg JQ-forbidden-black.svg CC0 action
forbidden-white.svg img/icons-svg JQ-forbidden-white.svg CC0 action
minus-black.svg img/icons-svg JQ-minus-black.svg CC0 action
minus-white.svg img/icons-svg JQ-minus-white.svg CC0 action
plus-black.svg img/icons-svg JQ-plus-black.svg CC0 action
plus-white.svg img/icons-svg JQ-plus-white.svg CC0 action
refresh-black.svg img/icons-svg JQ-refresh-black.svg CC0 action
refresh-white.svg img/icons-svg JQ-refresh-white.svg CC0 action
star-black.svg img/icons-svg JQ-star-black.svg CC0 action
star-white.svg img/icons-svg JQ-star-white.svg CC0 action
tag-black.svg img/icons-svg JQ-tag-black.svg CC0 action
tag-white.svg img/icons-svg JQ-tag-white.svg CC0 action


Icon File Folder Source File Licence Group
arrow-d-black.png img/icons-png JQ-arrow-d-black.png CC0 arrow
arrow-d-l-black.png img/icons-png JQ-arrow-d-l-black.png CC0 arrow
arrow-d-l-white.png img/icons-png JQ-arrow-d-l-white.png CC0 arrow
arrow-d-r-black.png img/icons-png JQ-arrow-d-r-black.png CC0 arrow
arrow-d-r-white.png img/icons-png JQ-arrow-d-r-white.png CC0 arrow
arrow-d-white.png img/icons-png JQ-arrow-d-white.png CC0 arrow
arrow-l-black.png img/icons-png JQ-arrow-l-black.png CC0 arrow
arrow-l-white.png img/icons-png JQ-arrow-l-white.png CC0 arrow
arrow-r-black.png img/icons-png JQ-arrow-r-black.png CC0 arrow
arrow-r-white.png img/icons-png JQ-arrow-r-white.png CC0 arrow
arrow-u-black.png img/icons-png JQ-arrow-u-black.png CC0 arrow
arrow-u-l-black.png img/icons-png JQ-arrow-u-l-black.png CC0 arrow
arrow-u-l-white.png img/icons-png JQ-arrow-u-l-white.png CC0 arrow
arrow-u-r-black.png img/icons-png JQ-arrow-u-r-black.png CC0 arrow
arrow-u-r-white.png img/icons-png JQ-arrow-u-r-white.png CC0 arrow
arrow-u-white.png img/icons-png JQ-arrow-u-white.png CC0 arrow
arrow-d-black.svg img/icons-svg JQ-arrow-d-black.svg CC0 arrow
arrow-d-l-black.svg img/icons-svg JQ-arrow-d-l-black.svg CC0 arrow
arrow-d-l-white.svg img/icons-svg JQ-arrow-d-l-white.svg CC0 arrow
arrow-d-r-black.svg img/icons-svg JQ-arrow-d-r-black.svg CC0 arrow
arrow-d-r-white.svg img/icons-svg JQ-arrow-d-r-white.svg CC0 arrow
arrow-d-white.svg img/icons-svg JQ-arrow-d-white.svg CC0 arrow
arrow-l-black.svg img/icons-svg JQ-arrow-l-black.svg CC0 arrow
arrow-l-white.svg img/icons-svg JQ-arrow-l-white.svg CC0 arrow
arrow-r-black.svg img/icons-svg JQ-arrow-r-black.svg CC0 arrow
arrow-r-white.svg img/icons-svg JQ-arrow-r-white.svg CC0 arrow
arrow-u-black.svg img/icons-svg JQ-arrow-u-black.svg CC0 arrow
arrow-u-l-black.svg img/icons-svg JQ-arrow-u-l-black.svg CC0 arrow
arrow-u-l-white.svg img/icons-svg JQ-arrow-u-l-white.svg CC0 arrow
arrow-u-r-black.svg img/icons-svg JQ-arrow-u-r-black.svg CC0 arrow
arrow-u-r-white.svg img/icons-svg JQ-arrow-u-r-white.svg CC0 arrow
arrow-u-white.svg img/icons-svg JQ-arrow-u-white.svg CC0 arrow


Icon File Folder Source File Licence Group
audio-black.png img/icons-png JQ-audio-black.png CC0 media
audio-white.png img/icons-png JQ-audio-white.png CC0 media
video-black.png img/icons-png JQ-video-black.png CC0 media
video-white.png img/icons-png JQ-video-white.png CC0 media
audio-black.svg img/icons-svg JQ-audio-black.svg CC0 media
audio-white.svg img/icons-svg JQ-audio-white.svg CC0 media
fa-chart-pie-black.svg img/icons-svg Font_Awesome_5_solid_chart-pie.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 media
fa-chart-pie-white.svg img/icons-svg Font_Awesome_5_solid_chart-pie.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 media
fa-chart-pie.svg img/icons-svg Font_Awesome_5_solid_chart-pie.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 media
fa-line-chart-black.svg img/icons-svg Font_Awesome_5_solid_chart-line.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 media
fa-line-chart-white.svg img/icons-svg Font_Awesome_5_solid_chart-line.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 media
fa-line-chart.svg img/icons-svg Font_Awesome_5_solid_chart-line.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 media
video-black.svg img/icons-svg JQ-video-black.svg CC0 media
video-white.svg img/icons-svg JQ-video-white.svg CC0 media


Icon File Folder Source File Licence Group
back-black.png img/icons-png JQ-back-black.png CC0 other
back-white.png img/icons-png JQ-back-white.png CC0 other
bars-black.png img/icons-png JQ-bars-black.png CC0 other
bars-white.png img/icons-png JQ-bars-white.png CC0 other
bullets-black.png img/icons-png JQ-bullets-black.png CC0 other
bullets-white.png img/icons-png JQ-bullets-white.png CC0 other
calendar-black.png img/icons-png JQ-calendar-black.png CC0 other
calendar-white.png img/icons-png JQ-calendar-white.png CC0 other
camera-black.png img/icons-png JQ-camera-black.png CC0 other
camera-white.png img/icons-png JQ-camera-white.png CC0 other
check-black.png img/icons-png JQ-check-black.png CC0 other
check-white.png img/icons-png JQ-check-white.png CC0 other
clock-black.png img/icons-png JQ-clock-black.png CC0 other
clock-white.png img/icons-png JQ-clock-white.png CC0 other
cloud-black.png img/icons-png JQ-cloud-black.png CC0 other
cloud-white.png img/icons-png JQ-cloud-white.png CC0 other
comment-black.png img/icons-png JQ-comment-black.png CC0 other
comment-white.png img/icons-png JQ-comment-white.png CC0 other
delete-black.png img/icons-png JQ-delete-black.png CC0 other
delete-white.png img/icons-png JQ-delete-white.png CC0 other
edit-black.png img/icons-png JQ-edit-black.png CC0 other
edit-white.png img/icons-png JQ-edit-white.png CC0 other
eye-black.png img/icons-png JQ-eye-black.png CC0 other
eye-white.png img/icons-png JQ-eye-white.png CC0 other
forward-black.png img/icons-png JQ-forward-black.png CC0 other
forward-white.png img/icons-png JQ-forward-white.png CC0 other
gear-black.png img/icons-png JQ-gear-black.png CC0 other
gear-white.png img/icons-png JQ-gear-white.png CC0 other
lock-black.png img/icons-png JQ-lock-black.png CC0 other
lock-white.png img/icons-png JQ-lock-white.png CC0 other
mail-black.png img/icons-png JQ-mail-black.png CC0 other
mail-white.png img/icons-png JQ-mail-white.png CC0 other
recycle-black.png img/icons-png JQ-recycle-black.png CC0 other
recycle-white.png img/icons-png JQ-recycle-white.png CC0 other
alert.svg img/icons-svg JQ-alert.svg CC0 other
back-black.svg img/icons-svg JQ-back-black.svg CC0 other
back-white.svg img/icons-svg JQ-back-white.svg CC0 other
bars-black.svg img/icons-svg JQ-bars-black.svg CC0 other
bars-white.svg img/icons-svg JQ-bars-white.svg CC0 other
bullets-black.svg img/icons-svg JQ-bullets-black.svg CC0 other
bullets-white.svg img/icons-svg JQ-bullets-white.svg CC0 other
calendar-black.svg img/icons-svg JQ-calendar-black.svg CC0 other
calendar-white.svg img/icons-svg JQ-calendar-white.svg CC0 other
camera-black.svg img/icons-svg JQ-camera-black.svg CC0 other
camera-white.svg img/icons-svg JQ-camera-white.svg CC0 other
check-black.svg img/icons-svg JQ-check-black.svg CC0 other
check-white.svg img/icons-svg JQ-check-white.svg CC0 other
clock-black.svg img/icons-svg JQ-clock-black.svg CC0 other
clock-white.svg img/icons-svg JQ-clock-white.svg CC0 other
cloud-black.svg img/icons-svg JQ-cloud-black.svg CC0 other
cloud-white.svg img/icons-svg JQ-cloud-white.svg CC0 other
comment-black.svg img/icons-svg JQ-comment-black.svg CC0 other
comment-white.svg img/icons-svg JQ-comment-white.svg CC0 other
delete-black.svg img/icons-svg JQ-delete-black.svg CC0 other
delete-white.svg img/icons-svg JQ-delete-white.svg CC0 other
edit-black.svg img/icons-svg JQ-edit-black.svg CC0 other
edit-white.svg img/icons-svg JQ-edit-white.svg CC0 other
eye-black.svg img/icons-svg JQ-eye-black.svg CC0 other
eye-white.svg img/icons-svg JQ-eye-white.svg CC0 other
fa-barcode-black.svg img/icons-svg Barcode_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 other
fa-barcode-white.svg img/icons-svg Barcode_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 other
fa-barcode.svg img/icons-svg Barcode_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 other
fa-edit-black.svg img/icons-svg Edit_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 other
fa-edit-white.svg img/icons-svg Edit_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 other
fa-edit.svg img/icons-svg Edit_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 other
fa-envelope-black.svg img/icons-svg Envelope_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 other
fa-envelope-white.svg img/icons-svg Envelope_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 other
fa-envelope.svg img/icons-svg Envelope_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 other
fa-file-save-black.svg img/icons-svg Save_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 other
fa-file-save-white.svg img/icons-svg Save_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 other
fa-file-save.svg img/icons-svg Save_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 other
fa-globe-black.svg img/icons-svg Globe_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 other
fa-globe-white.svg img/icons-svg Globe_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 other
fa-globe.svg img/icons-svg Globe_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 other
fa-harddisk-black.svg img/icons-svg Font_Awesome_5_solid_hdd.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 other
fa-harddisk-white.svg img/icons-svg Font_Awesome_5_solid_hdd.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 other
fa-harddisk.svg img/icons-svg Font_Awesome_5_solid_hdd.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 other
fa-language-black.svg img/icons-svg Language_font_awesome_v5.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 other
fa-language-white.svg img/icons-svg Language_font_awesome_v5.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 other
fa-language.svg img/icons-svg Language_font_awesome_v5.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 other
fa-qrcode-black.svg img/icons-svg Qrcode_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 other
fa-qrcode-white.svg img/icons-svg Qrcode_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 other
fa-qrcode.svg img/icons-svg Qrcode_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 other
fa-sort-black.svg img/icons-svg Sort_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 other
fa-sort-white.svg img/icons-svg Sort_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 other
fa-sort.svg img/icons-svg Sort_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 other
forward-black.svg img/icons-svg JQ-forward-black.svg CC0 other
forward-white.svg img/icons-svg JQ-forward-white.svg CC0 other
gear-black.svg img/icons-svg JQ-gear-black.svg CC0 other
gear-white.svg img/icons-svg JQ-gear-white.svg CC0 other
lock-black.svg img/icons-svg JQ-lock-black.svg CC0 other
lock-white.svg img/icons-svg JQ-lock-white.svg CC0 other
mail-black.svg img/icons-svg JQ-mail-black.svg CC0 other
mail-white.svg img/icons-svg JQ-mail-white.svg CC0 other
recycle-black.svg img/icons-svg JQ-recycle-black.svg CC0 other
recycle-white.svg img/icons-svg JQ-recycle-white.svg CC0 other
Icon File Folder Source File Licence Group
carat-d-black.png img/icons-png JQ-carat-d-black.png CC0 navigation
carat-d-white.png img/icons-png JQ-carat-d-white.png CC0 navigation
carat-l-black.png img/icons-png JQ-carat-l-black.png CC0 navigation
carat-l-white.png img/icons-png JQ-carat-l-white.png CC0 navigation
carat-r-black.png img/icons-png JQ-carat-r-black.png CC0 navigation
carat-r-white.png img/icons-png JQ-carat-r-white.png CC0 navigation
carat-u-black.png img/icons-png JQ-carat-u-black.png CC0 navigation
carat-u-white.png img/icons-png JQ-carat-u-white.png CC0 navigation
location-black.png img/icons-png JQ-location-black.png CC0 navigation
location-white.png img/icons-png JQ-location-white.png CC0 navigation
navigation-black.png img/icons-png JQ-navigation-black.png CC0 navigation
navigation-white.png img/icons-png JQ-navigation-white.png CC0 navigation
carat-d-black.svg img/icons-svg JQ-carat-d-black.svg CC0 navigation
carat-d-white.svg img/icons-svg JQ-carat-d-white.svg CC0 navigation
carat-l-black.svg img/icons-svg JQ-carat-l-black.svg CC0 navigation
carat-l-white.svg img/icons-svg JQ-carat-l-white.svg CC0 navigation
carat-r-black.svg img/icons-svg JQ-carat-r-black.svg CC0 navigation
carat-r-white.svg img/icons-svg JQ-carat-r-white.svg CC0 navigation
carat-u-black.svg img/icons-svg JQ-carat-u-black.svg CC0 navigation
carat-u-white.svg img/icons-svg JQ-carat-u-white.svg CC0 navigation
location-black.svg img/icons-svg JQ-location-black.svg CC0 navigation
location-white.svg img/icons-svg JQ-location-white.svg CC0 navigation
navigation-black.svg img/icons-svg JQ-navigation-black.svg CC0 navigation
navigation-white.svg img/icons-svg JQ-navigation-white.svg CC0 navigation


Icon File Folder Source File Licence Group
heart-black.png img/icons-png JQ-heart-black.png CC0 medical
heart-white.png img/icons-png JQ-heart-white.png CC0 medical
heart-black.svg img/icons-svg JQ-heart-black.svg CC0 medical
heart-white.svg img/icons-svg JQ-heart-white.svg CC0 medical


Icon File Folder Source File Licence Group
phone-black.png img/icons-png JQ-phone-black.png CC0 device
phone-white.png img/icons-png JQ-phone-white.png CC0 device
fa-camera-black.svg img/icons-svg Camera_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 device
fa-camera-white.svg img/icons-svg Camera_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 device
fa-camera.svg img/icons-svg Camera_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 device
fa-tablet-black.svg img/icons-svg Tablet_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 device
fa-tablet-white.svg img/icons-svg Tablet_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 device
fa-tablet.svg img/icons-svg Tablet_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 device
fa-vr-headset-black.svg img/icons-svg File:Font_Awesome_5_brands_simplybuilt.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 device
fa-vr-headset-white.svg img/icons-svg File:Font_Awesome_5_brands_simplybuilt.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 device
fa-vr-headset.svg img/icons-svg File:Font_Awesome_5_brands_simplybuilt.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 device
phone-black.svg img/icons-svg JQ-phone-black.svg CC0 device
phone-white.svg img/icons-svg JQ-phone-white.svg CC0 device


Icon File Folder Source File Licence Group
power-black.png img/icons-png JQ-power-black.png CC0 login
power-white.png img/icons-png JQ-power-white.png CC0 login
user-black.png img/icons-png JQ-user-black.png CC0 login
user-white.png img/icons-png JQ-user-white.png CC0 login
fa-signin-black.svg img/icons-svg Signin_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 login
fa-signin-white.svg img/icons-svg Signin_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 login
fa-signin.svg img/icons-svg Signin_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 login
fa-signout-black.svg img/icons-svg Signout_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 login
fa-signout-white.svg img/icons-svg Signout_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 login
fa-signout.svg img/icons-svg Signout_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 login
power-black.svg img/icons-svg JQ-power-black.svg CC0 login
power-white.svg img/icons-svg JQ-power-white.svg CC0 login
user-black.svg img/icons-svg JQ-user-black.svg CC0 login
user-white.svg img/icons-svg JQ-user-white.svg CC0 login


Icon File Folder Source File Licence Group
search-black.png img/icons-png JQ-search-black.png CC0 editor
search-white.png img/icons-png JQ-search-white.png CC0 editor
fa-copy-black.svg img/icons-svg Copy_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 editor
fa-copy-white.svg img/icons-svg Copy_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 editor
fa-copy.svg img/icons-svg Copy_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 editor
fa-enumeration-black.svg img/icons-svg Ol_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 editor
fa-enumeration-white.svg img/icons-svg Ol_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 editor
fa-enumeration.svg img/icons-svg Ol_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 editor
fa-font-black.svg img/icons-svg Font_Awesome_5_solid_font.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 editor
fa-font-white.svg img/icons-svg Font_Awesome_5_solid_font.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 editor
fa-font.svg img/icons-svg Font_Awesome_5_solid_font.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 editor
fa-list-black.svg img/icons-svg List_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 editor
fa-list-white.svg img/icons-svg List_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 editor
fa-list.svg img/icons-svg List_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 editor
fa-minus-square-black.svg img/icons-svg Font_Awesome_5_solid_minus-square.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 editor
fa-minus-square-white.svg img/icons-svg Font_Awesome_5_solid_minus-square.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 editor
fa-minus-square.svg img/icons-svg Font_Awesome_5_solid_minus-square.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 editor
fa-paste-black.svg img/icons-svg Paste_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 editor
fa-paste-white.svg img/icons-svg Paste_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 editor
fa-paste.svg img/icons-svg Paste_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 editor
fa-plus-square-black.svg img/icons-svg Font_Awesome_5_solid_plus-square.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 editor
fa-plus-square-white.svg img/icons-svg Font_Awesome_5_solid_plus-square.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 editor
fa-plus-square.svg img/icons-svg Font_Awesome_5_solid_plus-square.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 editor
search-black.svg img/icons-svg JQ-search-black.svg CC0 editor
search-white.svg img/icons-svg JQ-search-white.svg CC0 editor

Audio Player

Icon File Folder Source File Licence Group
fa-audio-backward-black.svg img/icons-svg Backward_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 audio
fa-audio-backward-white.svg img/icons-svg Backward_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 audio
fa-audio-backward.svg img/icons-svg Backward_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 audio
fa-audio-eject-black.svg img/icons-svg Font_Awesome_5_solid_eject.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 audio
fa-audio-eject-white.svg img/icons-svg Font_Awesome_5_solid_eject.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 audio
fa-audio-eject.svg img/icons-svg Font_Awesome_5_solid_eject.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 audio
fa-audio-forward-black.svg img/icons-svg Forward_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 audio
fa-audio-forward-white.svg img/icons-svg Forward_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 audio
fa-audio-forward.svg img/icons-svg Forward_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 audio
fa-audio-pause-black.svg img/icons-svg Pause_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 audio
fa-audio-pause-white.svg img/icons-svg Pause_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 audio
fa-audio-pause.svg img/icons-svg Pause_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 audio
fa-audio-play-black.svg img/icons-svg Play_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 audio
fa-audio-play-white.svg img/icons-svg Play_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 audio
fa-audio-play.svg img/icons-svg Play_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 audio
fa-audio-record-black.svg img/icons-svg Circle_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 audio
fa-audio-record-white.svg img/icons-svg Circle_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 audio
fa-audio-record.svg img/icons-svg Circle_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 audio
fa-audio-stop-black.svg img/icons-svg Font_Awesome_5_solid_square.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 audio
fa-audio-stop-white.svg img/icons-svg Font_Awesome_5_solid_square.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 audio
fa-audio-stop.svg img/icons-svg Font_Awesome_5_solid_square.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 audio

Products and Objects

Icon File Folder Source File Licence Group
fa-book-black.svg img/icons-svg Book_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 product
fa-book-white.svg img/icons-svg Book_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 product
fa-book.svg img/icons-svg Book_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 product
fa-key-black.svg img/icons-svg Font_Awesome_5_solid_key.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 product
fa-key-white.svg img/icons-svg Font_Awesome_5_solid_key.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 product
fa-key.svg img/icons-svg Font_Awesome_5_solid_key.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 product
fa-picture-black.svg img/icons-svg Picture_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 product
fa-picture-white.svg img/icons-svg Picture_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 product
fa-picture.svg img/icons-svg Picture_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 product


Icon File Folder Source File Licence Group
fa-file-archive-black.svg img/icons-svg Font_Awesome_5_regular_file-archive.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 filetype
fa-file-archive-white.svg img/icons-svg Font_Awesome_5_regular_file-archive.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 filetype
fa-file-archive.svg img/icons-svg Font_Awesome_5_regular_file-archive.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 filetype


Icon File Folder Source File Licence Group
fa-truck-black.svg img/icons-svg Truck_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 vehicle
fa-truck-white.svg img/icons-svg Truck_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 vehicle
fa-truck.svg img/icons-svg Truck_font_awesome.svg CC BY-SA 3.0 vehicle

Style Sheets CSS for Icons

The spinner icon is static. You might expect the spinner icon fa-spinner.svg to rotate. This can be accomplish with CSS class definition for a class icon-spin: * Add in your CSS file the following styles for the class icon-spin:

.icon-spin {
    position: absolute;
    top: 50%;
    left: 50%;
    width: 120px;
    height: 120px;
    margin:-60px 0 0 -60px;
    -webkit-animation:spin 4s linear infinite;
    -moz-animation:spin 4s linear infinite;
    animation:spin 4s linear infinite;
@-moz-keyframes spin { 100% { -moz-transform: rotate(360deg); } }
@-webkit-keyframes spin { 100% { -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg); } }

Scan Icons

Scan Shell Script for images

The shell script scan_icons.sh scans all icons in the subdirectory img/ and creates and HTML file img/index.html and a wget download script, that can be modified for downloading a subset of the images.

Shell Script wget_icons.sh

The shell script wget_icons.sh can be used to download a subset of images. In the provided default version it downloads all icons in this repository.

Use in other SVG Images in other repositories

The script update_wget_icons.sh updates the script wget_icons.sh from the repository icons4menu and replaces the script wget_icons.sh. The script wget_icons.sh can be used to download an updated version of the icons. Please modify the script according to your needs, to download just a subset for your AppLSAC.

If the repository icons4menu is expanded with more icons with a Creative Commons license, that it is recommended to update the download script wget_icons.sh with the following commands:

sh ./update_wget_icons.sh
sh ./wget_icons.sh

The second command downloads the icons. You can help to minimize the GitHub server load by tailoring the script according to your needs.

If you want to check out an example repository on GitHub, that uses the Icons4Menu icons in an AppLSAC analyze the subdirectory img/ in hamburger_menu_app.

Add License Info File

If you use the repository add this README.md file to the WebApp, so that users of web-based applications can identify the origin of the SVG and PNG icons. The repository incorporated SVG and PNG icons with two licenses: * Creative Commons CC Zero - https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/deed.en * Creative Commons CC BY-SA 3.0 - see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ with the fa- as file attribution prefix.

Attribution for Files - File Prefix

If we consider the CC BY-SA 3.0 license provides the freedom to: * Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format * Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially. These two freedoms are also provided for the license CC Zero. Furthermore for all CC BY-SA 3.0 licensed icons an attribution and a share alike requirement is defined (see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/):

The JQuery Mobile 1.4.5 PNG and SVG icons in this repository (i.e. icons without fa- prefix) do not require the "attribution", but it is recommended to provide attribution also to JQuery Mobile 1.4.5 with the CC Zero license for icons without the fa- prefix. Especially for adding more icons in forks of the repository icons4menu the prefix fa- should also be used to distinguish CC Zero licensed icons without fa- prefix from CC BY-SA 3.0 licensed icon that need a file attribution by adding the prefix fa- in the filename.

More than 2 Licenses in Forks of icons4menu with license prefix

If you have more than 2 licenses in your fork of icons4menu you could add a license prefix for all icons, e.g.:

This allows users to identify the license of the file directly from the filename.