AudioSlides4Web was created as a online alternative for
AudioSlides4Web in Wikiversity for further details or the
This tool creates a ZIP-file in the browser and will copy your audio files in the subfolder
/audio/ of the ZIP-file. The slides e.g. as PNG-images or GIF-animations will be stored in the folder
/images/ of the ZIP files. The images and audio comment are not submitted to server. All operations are performed in the browser.
Take care that the filename of slides have a number in it, which represents the slidenumber, e.g.
audio5.mp3 for audio comment for 5th slide
img5.png or
audio0.mp3 for the title slide
PDF as Source for Slides: You can also load a PDF-File as source for the slides with [Add Slides]-Button and select PDF pages (landscape format) as slides for your presentation. You can skip some slides or reorder the slides for your presentation.
Adapt the basename of your audio files and images to the base name in the interface below.
ZIP-File Export: Press [Download AudioSlides ZIP] to download the generated ZIP file. The
AppLSAC is a privacy friendly WebApp the generates the ZIP-file in your browser with the library
jszip.js, so the audio files, PDF and image files are loaded into your browser instead uploading the files to a remote server.
Start Presentation: You can view the webbased presentation by extrating the ZIP file and load the file
You can navigate with cursor buttons or the navigation buttons top right. Press key [F] to show the presentation in fullscreen mode.
Changes Slides/Audio: You can exchange the slides or audio comments just by replacing the slide
img5.png or the audio comment
audio5.mp3 for slide 5.