You can add equirectangular images to the AFrame 360 degree scene. The equirectangular image look distorred but the images are created with a special projection and this equirectangular projection is designed for viewing in the AFrame environment as sky. You can drag the scene and look around. You can add normal camera images with this tool but the tools have not the correct equirectangular projection for viewing as a 360 degree image.
The Generate ZIP button creates a ZIP file and will be saved in your download folder. If you try to start the index.html directly from the compressed ZIP file, the AFrame 360 degree images will not work due to unresolved path names to the libraries and CSS file in a compressed ZIP. Unzip/uncompress the ZIP file first and start the index.html with your browser (Firefox, Chrome Safari) from the uncompressed folder of the ZIP file.
if you want to create 360 degree images yourself you can use e.g. a special 360 degree double fish eye camera with a single snapshot or use Hugin